
onsdag 25 augusti 2010

Sacred Geometry

I wanted to write a post about Sacred Geometry partly because I saw this amazing cathedral, but unfortunately I forgot where, so now I have put together a few images that all have a part of fibonacci structure to them. "Leonardo de Pisa (circa 1180-1240 AD), better known as Fibonacci, explained the uniformity of the following geometric proportions. He found that this geometry and harmony in nature is equal to a number sequence of 1–1–2–3–5–8–13–21–34–55–89--144 and so on, found by adding each number to the previous one to get the next number. He also realized that the natural branching, flowering, and spiraling forms in nature follow the same uniform harmonic laws that can be found in musical scales.

The Fibonacci ratios were often used in cathedral architecture. Dufay's motet was also based in part on the above series of proportions, which were used in the creation of the Florence cathedral and the dome.

tisdag 24 augusti 2010

Windowshopping in Stockholm

All the pictures are taken by me

On sundays, I love to spend time with my friends and just enjoy getting up to nothing much at all. Stockholm is so beautiful now and I just had to take a quick peek in some of my favourite stores. Spiti is an amazing shop with furniture and details from the middle east. I´m thinking of getting some nice details from there, but first I have to repaint and build a new desk. My taste in interior changes quite often but I have a weakspot for retro 60´s and 70´s designs. Maybe a funky colourful rug from Spiti is a good idea, it would go with my huge painting that my sister refers to as "The psychedelic womit"

fredag 20 augusti 2010

Donna Summer - She Works Hard For The Money

After a long and hectic week at work I just had to share a fantastic tune with you. Another tune to add to my "Guilty Pleasures" playlist.. Have a great weekend!

torsdag 19 augusti 2010

Photo from Simondale

You can find this cute little hobbit house in Wales and it´s built by Simon and his family. There are many similar building projects in and around Wales, and if you want to know more about permaculture, living off the grid and low impact houses I recommend you to check Simondale and sign up for their newsletter, and of course even better, get involved by helping out building similar houses.

Funky Art from "The Imaginary Foundation"

Have you come across the designs of The Imaginary Foundation? They combine digital art with old photographs, in a surreal style and mix it with clever motivational qoutes.

"The Imaginary Foundation is a think tank from Switzerland that does experimental research on new ways of thinking and the power of the imagination. They hold dear a belief in human potential and seek progress in all directions. The small clandestine team is headed up by the mysterious "Director," a 70-something Uber-intellectual whose father founded the Dadaist movement. Avoiding direct publicity, the team has sought clothing as an unlikely vehicle for bringing their ideas beyond the academic realm and into popular culture."
"Be diciplined in life so you can be violent and original in your art"

Do they really have a thinktank in Switzerland with a mysterious dadaist founder called "The Director" or is it just excellent storytelling, who knows??

tisdag 17 augusti 2010

3D Mandelbulb

This morning I read up on my usual blogs and websites and came across another digital artist, called Tom Beddard. After I uploaded the previous posts of Tatiana Plakhova art, I was told that she uses apophysis, which is good news for me as it is very similar to Ultra Fractal which I´m already famililar with. This guy though, Tom Beddard, 3D mandelbulbs, that is very impressive! I would love to see some animations of them. My project for this autumn is to get into projections and vj´ing, so I might just give him a ring and chat to him abouot his bulbs.

I had to post some more from Tatiana Plakhova, I´ve never seen anything like i
t! I myself work in Ultra Fractal, and I would seriously love to try this out! If
you would like to know more about the artist click

I came across this amazing artist called Tatiana Plakhova, for sure she is using some digital program and I´m dying to find out which one :) Check out her website, its full of very wellproduced graphic design.

söndag 15 augusti 2010

Happy Sundays!

I love waking up on sundays, this is the day of the week which is sacred and I feel very inspired and happy.

Today I woke up in a particularly good mood and decided to bake scones and cook scrambled eggs, then I moved on to read up on current affairs and a few blogs that I like: "how to run your own business" among others.

I find it very inspiring to read success stories and one of the editors on the blog wrote about his sundays. Him and his friends meet up for a session where you discuss personal development, what inspires you at the moment and how to make it possible to live according to our dreams and visions.

I thought this idea sounded brilliant as I am full of inspiration from a fantastic holiday, and have now challenged my friends to meet me up next sunday for a "Happy Sunday Session". I´ll let you know how we get on with our plans for the future, in a about lets say a weeks time... Until then, have a great sunday!

torsdag 12 augusti 2010

Dark and amazing art

I don´t know where I found these artists, probably on Deviant Art. Mr. Bunners the Rabbit Master was created by Mike P Mitchell. A friend of mine got me into this kind of "surrealist dark art", and since I prefer it not to be to gothic and wierd and just a little bit cute this is just in my taste. This style of art reminds of Alexander Jansson and his piece "Dimanche" from Sweden. He´s work is amazing and I still havn´t seen him in any galleries around here. I read somewhere that this is a piece that´s from a childrens book and that he is still looking for a publisher. You can buy prints on Deviant art, and my wall is just waiting for a tripdych with his work.

Munny toys

MUNNY was created by master toy designers Paul Budnitz & Tristan Eaton. I stumbled across them searching the internet for cool and funky art. They are he soft, super smooth vinyl figures that make up MUNNYWORLD. Each one is a blank canvas, and all ready for scribbling, piercing, painting, posing, piling, dressing up, and sculpting into forms straight from your imagination.

Or you can keep them just as they are. You can find out more about these cute little things on:

sankai juku - butoh dance (buto)

onsdag 11 augusti 2010

Younger Brother - Psychic Gibbon

What tunes do you listen to?

I´m full of inspiration after my holiday and I´ve met so many people and listened to excellent music. To share this I have started a group on Spotify. If you have a Facebook account you can automatically listen to the playlist “Psychedelic Debris” and find out what likeminded people listen to!

Today I´ve been listening to Younger Brother, which I also happened to see at Ozora festival. I will post some movieclips soon!


You feeling it?

Originally uploaded by Psychadelic Debris
I want to share my pics from the most amazing holiday and challenge you to use them and create something amazing with them.

When your done, please upload them to our Flickr group and tell us a bit about your creation and how you came up with it.

If you too have pics to share with us, that would fall into the category "Arty-Freeware-Opensource", feel free to upload!

If your feeling it, you are most welcome to add a description to the pics I have uploaded.

Love and Light,
Psychedelic Debris

ps. If your still in the mood, share this with your friends <3