
söndag 15 augusti 2010

Happy Sundays!

I love waking up on sundays, this is the day of the week which is sacred and I feel very inspired and happy.

Today I woke up in a particularly good mood and decided to bake scones and cook scrambled eggs, then I moved on to read up on current affairs and a few blogs that I like: "how to run your own business" among others.

I find it very inspiring to read success stories and one of the editors on the blog wrote about his sundays. Him and his friends meet up for a session where you discuss personal development, what inspires you at the moment and how to make it possible to live according to our dreams and visions.

I thought this idea sounded brilliant as I am full of inspiration from a fantastic holiday, and have now challenged my friends to meet me up next sunday for a "Happy Sunday Session". I´ll let you know how we get on with our plans for the future, in a about lets say a weeks time... Until then, have a great sunday!

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